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The University’s Science and Technology Innovation Progress was selected as the Ten Major Events of Science and Technology Innovation in Shenyang 2020

Posted: 2021-04-13 15:58:39  Visits:[]

Last year, Shenyang’s science and technology innovation work moved fast, smooth, and steady. After extensive data collection and evaluation, the Science and Technology Bureau of Shenyang appraised and elected “10 Major Events of Science and Technology Innovation in Shenyang 2020”, and was reported by <Shenyang Daily>, website link: https://epaper.syd.com.cn/syrb/html/2021-02/22/content_121054_13033791.htm. Our university is on the list of “Experimental Units that grant Scientific Researchers the Ownership or Long-term Right to use Their Scientific and Technological Achievements” given by the Science and Technology Bureau.

Under the leadership of the university party committee and administrative organization of the Institute of Science and Research, the university started the application in the first half of last year. After defense, selection and reporting, we were successfully shortlisted as “Experimental Units that grant Scientific Researchers the Ownership or Long-term Right to use Their Scientific and Technological Achievements” in October last year. The task was examined and adopted by the Commission of Comprehensive Deepen and Reform of Central Committee followed by 9 other ministries and commissions, including the Science and Technology Bureau, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Education who jointly issued implementation plans and selected experimental units to carry out the test. The purpose of this move is to explore and set up systems for granting researchers the ownership or long-term right to use their scientific and technological achievements, form replicable and spreadable experiences and practices to perfect relevant laws, regulations, policies and measures..

There are 40 experimental units adopted nationwide. Liaoning has 2 units, and one of them is in Shenyang. The successful selection of the experimental unit indicates that the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of our university is at the lead of the province. It also marks a new breakthrough in the work mode of scientific and technological innovation and transformation of achievements in Shenyang, which provides policy support and experience mode for Shenyang to accelerate the implementation of transformation of achievements and build a national innovative city driven by innovation.

previous The University successfully held a Symposium on rapid Thermal Reaction Test Characterization Techniques and Instruments next The University’s Scientific Research Achievements were selected and nominated as the First Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progress Projects among Colleges and Universities in Liaoning
