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The Report of 2018 Temporary Going Abroad Plan for Public Reasons (Scientific Research and Academic)

Posted: 2018-04-18 09:47:55  Visits:[]

Schools (Departments):

   The report of 2018 going abroad plan for public reasons (scientific research and academic) has already begun. Please submit “The Form of 2018 Going Abroad Plan for Public Reasons (Scientific Research and Academic)”( Attachment). The electronic version needs to be sent to the E-mail “syuctws@163.com”, and the paper version must be signed by the person in charge of the school (department) and stamped with an official seal, and submitted to the International Exchange and Cooperation Department. The deadline for submission of materials is January 18th, 2018. Overdue submission will no longer

   The scientific research and academic personnel going abroad for public reasons shall be engaged in teaching, research, engineering and technical personnel. The missions of the visits mainly include conducting education and teaching activities, scientific research, academic visits, and attendance at important international academic conferences, etc. All these visits are due to public visits, holding public passports and are paid for by research funds (or other project funds).

   Contact: Sun Jianzhao

   Phone: 89288213

   Address: School Departments (Office Building) B416

   Attachment: The Form of 2018 Going Abroad Plan for Public Reasons (Scientific Research and Academic) of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology /myfile/file/20180103/20180103101026062606.xls

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