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Conducting the Top Ten News Selection of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology in 2017

Posted: 2018-04-18 09:44:40  Visits:[]

Each general branch and direct branch of CPC:

   2017 is a crucial year for our university to fully implement the “423” reform and development strategy and the “113” new talent training system. In the past year, all teachers and students of the university have been working together to make progress. The school has achieved new excellence in talent cultivation, scientific research, social service, international exchange and so on. In order to better boost morale and unite people, the school decided to continue holding the top ten news awards. In order to do a good job in this event and give a fair and equitable assessment of the top ten news items, now notify the relevant selection items as follows:

  1. Selection Scope

  All 2017 news of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology can stand for election.

  1. Responsible Department

  Propaganda Department of Party Committee

III. Selection Method

  The first stage: Recommending relevant news by various functional departments, schools and departments;

  The second stage: Inviting relevant experts to select and determine candidate news;

  The third stage: All teachers and students voted for the 2017 Top Ten News in the candidate news. Voting is divided into school leaders, middle-level officials on-site voting, and teachers and students online voting.

  All units should seriously organize teachers and students to actively participate in the selection activities.


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