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Academic Report Notice

Posted: 2018-04-18 09:41:48  Visits:[]

At the invitation of SYUCT, Prof. Wang Deyi from the Madrid Institute of Advanced Materials will present his academic report.

   Title: Some ideas on developing new generation fire retardant material

   Time: 9:00 a.m., Friday, October 27th, 2017

   Location: Library Auditorium

   Teachers and students are welcome to attend.

   Reporter's Profile: Professor Wang Deyi is currently a lifelong scientist of the Advanced Materials Institute of Madrid, Spain, director of the Research Department of High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites, and a representative of the countries of Flame Retardant Materials Science and Research Alliance of the European Union. Professor Wang Deyi has served as a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry of the UK since 2016, Distinguished Young Scientists Fund of Spain, DuPont Young Professor of the United States, Scholar of the Marie Curie of the European Union, Scholar of Humboldt of Germany, Lagrange Scholar of Italy, Visiting Scholars Fund of the University of Bolton, UK, the Swedish International Science Foundation, the Research Foundation of International Treaty Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, and the Project Consultant Expert of the Industry and Development Organization of the UN. At present, Professor Wang Deyi has been appointed as guest professor of polymer processing department of Leibniz Institute of Polymer Materials in Germany, doctoral tutor/adjunct professor at Madrid Polytechnic University and Carlos III University, and honored Research Fellow (IPF Fellow) by Leibniz Institute of Polymer Materials, Germany, Ph.D. Supervisor of University of Auckland, New Zealand, guest professor of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology.

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