Schools & Departments
Schools & Departments

College of Information Engineering

Edit: of: Published: 2017-06-10

College of information technology is founded in 1952. It used to be industrial enterprise electricity specialty, which was one of the earliest colleges in our school history.

There is a teaching staff with high teaching level and research ability in our college. There are two doctoral supervisors and twenty-six master supervisors. Among all sixty-eight teachers, there are ten professors and twenty-two associate professors, and thirty-four teachers have obtained doctorate.

In our college, two teachers are Outstanding Teachers of Liaoning Province, three teachers are Young and Middle-aged Prominent Teachers of Liaoning Province, one teacher is Distinguished Teacher of Liaoning Province, one teacher is Outstanding Teacher of Shenyang and five teachers are selected as Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand-Talented Person. Four teachers are selected as leaders of their majors and two as leaders of science in our university. What else, two teachers are selected as the top-ten teachers.

Our college undertakes more than 140 projects, including 863 program, the National Natural Science Fund, some provincial and ministerial projects and some projects consigned by enterprises. We have obtained 17 Science and Technology Progress Award of provincial and ministerial level, and more than 200 patent and software copyrights. Our teachers have published more than 500 papers in important learned periodicals within or abroad China, and more than 150 of these papers are included in SCI or EI. We have obtained 4 Excellent teaching achievement awards in Liaoning Province and published more than 10 teaching materials of national level.

There are seven undergraduate majors, including Automation, Measurement and control technology and Instrument, Electric Engineering and Automation, Electrical Information Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Communication Engineering and Internet of Things Engineering. The first two majors recruit students from section B of A group of undergraduate. Now there are about 1700 undergraduates in our college.

There are also two A subject major can confer master's degree, including Control Science & Engineering and Information & Communication Engineering. There are more than 80 postgraduates in our college.

Our teaching and researching facilities are becoming better and approaching perfection. Now the Control Science & Engineering Specialty is priority fields of study. Our laboratory of Chemical Process Control Technology is key laboratory of Liaoning Province. The laboratory of Industrial Environment-Resource Synergy Control and Optimization Technology is key laboratory of universities in Liaoning Province. We also have Liaoning Wilt Engineering Technology Research Center, Shenyang Traffic Engineering Technology Center, Liaoning Electrical and Electronic Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, Electrical and Automation Teaching Group of provincial level, Automation Specialty as comprehensive reform pilot of undergraduate specialty in Liaoning Province, and Electronic Information Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center of Liaoning university. All our equipments are valued at more than sixteen million yuan.

Our college actively carries out international exchanges and cooperation, and has established friendly relations and cooperation with more than 10 academies and scientific research institutes in America, Britain, Russia, Japan and Korea. We have established Joint training mode with The British university in Perth, The Russian National University of Ivanovo and Japan Gunma University.

We have gained hundred of prizes in University Students 'Science and Technology Innovation and practical activity. Through active participation in technological innovation activities, manipulative ability of our students has been highly enhanced, and our students are well received and commended by the employer. In these three years, more than 93% of all the undergraduates can find a good job, and more than 15% of all the students go on studying for the graduate degree. While our postgraduates can all find good jobs.