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Academic Report Notice

Posted: 2018-04-18 09:43:20  Visits:[]

 At the invitation of our university, Professor Wang Xiaofeng from Shanghai Maritime University will give an academic report in the future.

   Title: Discussion of the Basic Structure of Intelligent Systems

   Time: 15:00, Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

   Location: Academic Reporting Hall of the School of Computer Science and Technology (Room 517, Block E of Zhiben Building)

   Teachers and students are welcome to participate actively.

   Professor Wang Xiaofeng's Profile:

   Wang Xiaofeng, Ph.D., is Professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Shanghai Maritime University. Now he is the Chairman of the Professor Committee of the School of Information Engineering and Chairman of the Academic Degrees Committee. He has won Shanghai Yucai Award in 2008, the award of the President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002, Outstanding Teacher of Shenyang in 2001,and the Teaching Fund of Zeng Xianzi in 2002; He once served as the dean of the Information Engineering School of Shanghai Maritime University, and the dean of the School of Computer of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology.

   Academic Research Direction: His main research direction is data mining, artificial intelligence, big data applications, etc. Prof. Wang has undertaken national fund, 863 project, marine special project, Shanghai major special projects, and the projects of enterprises and institutions, and has published about 100 papers.

   Academic Achievements: 2 provincial scientific research achievements and 1 science and technology progress award, 2 textbooks and 1 monograph.

   Main Social Part-time: Machine Learning Professional Committee member of China Institute of Artificial Intelligence, executive director of Computer Application Society of China Instrument Society, director of Shanghai Institute of Computer Science, director of Shanghai Institute of Artificial Intelligence, general secretary and vice president of Shanghai Institute of Thinking Science, editorial board member of “The Journal of Shanghai Maritime University” and “International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets & Intelligent Systems” etc., review expert of National Science and Technology Cooperation Project, and review expert on communications of National Science and Technology Progress Award.

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