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The Selection and Dispatch of Exchange Students to Japan Gunma University and Toyama Prefectural Uni

Posted: 2018-04-18 09:39:28  Visits:[]

Polytechnic Colleges:

   The Japan National Gunma University and the Toyama Prefectural University of Japan are our university's contracted friendship universities. According to the cooperation agreement between the universities for the exchange of foreign students, the above two universities will receive dispatched 5 and 2 exchange students from our university from the beginning of April 2018 to the end of March 2019 respectively. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

   1.Objects of Selection:

   The university’s science and engineering (excluding the Institute of Applied Technology and the International Education Institute) undergraduate seniors and postgraduate sophomores, 5 students (undergraduates + postgraduates) to the National Gunma University and 2 students (undergraduates)to the Toyama Prefectural University.

   2.Conditions of Selection:

1) Undergraduate seniors (Grade 2014) and postgraduates sophomores (Grade 2016) in science and engineering of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, needed to complete all credits except “Thesis (Design)” after the end of this semester;

2) There is no record of bad behavior during school, and moral character is good;

3) The comprehensive academic performance is within the first 10% of the grade of the major;

4) Those who passed the “College Foreign Language” (English or Japanese) level 4 or above, or those who passed “Japanese Language Ability Test” level 2 (N2) or above;

5) Having a living economic ability for graduate studies in Japan for one year from April 2018;

6) Having the desire to further degree education;

7) Applicants who go to Toyama Prefectural University must have their own graduation study topics that are consistent with the research fields (additional materials) of this university's instructors.

   3.Procedures of Selection:

1) Written application: The student should submit a written application to the Academic Office of the Faculty. The application materials must include academic transcripts issued by the Academic Affairs Office (or Graduate School), relevant foreign language test certificates, and family economic income certificates (and recommendation letter in English by the postgraduate instructors) and related materials (in duplicate). The deadline for application is 14:00, the 25th of this month. The Faculty Office will issue a written appraisal material on the applicant's moral behavior and attitude towards study and life, and submit it together with students’ materials to the office of the International Education Institute (Room 409, No. 4 Teaching Building, Miss Yang Ruobing) before 16:00 the 25th of this month.

2) Interview Examination: The teachers from International Education Institute and related faculty members will conduct interviews and assessments to applicants (November 1-3, General Questions and Foreign Language Conversational Tests), comprehensively select and determine relevant candidates, and finally report to school for approval.

3) Fill in forms: Students who are approved to be sent out will be required to fill out the prescribed forms submitted by the University of Japan and submit them to the International Education Institute before November 10th. Afterwards, it was sent to the Japanese side for confirmation by the International Education Institute.

4) The Japanese side will notify our university the final candidates of the exchange students in writing document by the end of January 2018. The International Education Institute is responsible for notifying selected students to apply for passports, visas, and booking air tickets, etc. (The “Certificate of Residence” is handled by Japan and is expected to be sent along with the “Admission Permit” in early March, 2018).

   The relevant colleges are required to widely inform the above arrangements to students and assist them in their implementation.

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