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Liaoning initiated the Analysis and Test Sharing Platform for Higher Educational Institutions

Edit: of: Published: 2019-12-26

Recently, with the approval of the Department of Education of Liaoning Province, the Liaoning Analysis and Test Sharing Platform for Higher Educational Institutions has been officially put into operation. The platform is jointly established by 31 universities in the province, leading by Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Dalian University of Technology and Northeast University.

Liaoning Analysis and Test Sharing Platform for Higher Educational Institutions is a science and technology basic public welfare platform approved by the Provincial Department of Education. The platform integrates and shares a large-scale of scientific instrument and equipment resources from colleges and universities throughout province by building an open, shared, efficient and systematic analysis and testing and information service system, giving full play to the joint advantages, joint effects and scale effects, and striving to realize the sharing and opening of high-quality resources. The main function of the platform is the analysis and test service of large-scale scientific instruments and equipment, the research of analysis methods and standards, and the technical exchange training of analysis and test practitioners. At present, the platform has 31 member units, with a total fixed asset value of 394.6 million yuan, 126 sets of large-scale scientific research instruments and equipment with a unit price of more than 1 million yuan, and 404 sets of equipment with a unit price of more than 100000 yuan.

The establishment of the Analysis and Test Sharing Platform for higher educational institutions in Liaoning is an important measure to implement the opinions of the State Council on the opening of major national scientific research infrastructure and large-scale scientific research instruments to the society and the open school running concept of the Department of Education of Liaoning Province. It is also an important measure of great significance to promote the solution of the lack of overall coordination mechanism, block division, repeated purchase, low efficiency in use of large-scale analytical instruments in colleges and universities in Liaoning Province is.